Scholars & Saints
Scholars & Saints is the official podcast of the University of Virginia’s Mormon Studies program, housed in the Department of Religious Studies. Scholars & Saints is a venue of public scholarship that promotes respectful dialogue about Latter Day Saint traditions among laypersons and academics.
Scholars & Saints
BONUS | Dissertation Possibilities in the Gregory A. Prince Collection
This bonus episode of Scholars & Saints is taken from the 2023 University of Virginia Mormon Studies research workshop entitled: "Mormonism in Africa and the African Diaspora." During the workshop, biomedical pathologist and LDS historian Dr. Gregory A. Prince delivered remarks on the depth of materials and research potentiality within the Gregory A. Prince Collection, a compilation of historical LDS documents and research materials Dr. Prince donated to UVA. To learn more about Dr. Prince and his collection, watch his interview with former Bushman Chair of Mormon Studies, Kathleen Flake, or browse his digital research excerpts.
For more information, including lecture slides and transcript, please visit this link: https://mormonstudies.as.virginia.edu/event/research-workshop-mormonism-in-africa-and-the-african-diaspora-open-to-the-public/